We grew up calling them cow chips. You know what they are. It goes in as grass, comes out as manure, and once dried becomes a “chip.”
Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox. (Proverbs 14:4)
This is one of the most important verses in scripture about setting priorities in every aspect of life.
Consider the ancient farmer who plows his field under human power alone. He saves up his money to buy an ox and prepares a place in the barn. The ox will allow him to plow his field ten times faster. But after a few weeks, the barn stinks. He cleans up the mess and begins to resent the unpleasant task of barn cleaning. Eventually, he gets rid of the ox because he hates cleaning the barn. He gives up ten times the harvest to avoid unpleasantness and inconvenience. How short-sighted!
This verse is about three key ideas—keeping your eye on the big goal, evaluating the effectiveness of a tool, and appreciating the value of a tool despite its inconveniences. We must keep these things in mind as we approach all areas of life. …
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