the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
Judgment Month is Upon Us—Again

Judgment Month is Upon Us—Again

Kevin Schaal

In an article dated May 31, published by, Robb Brunansky said this about Christians and the dreaded month of June that comes every year.

As Christians, we might easily look at June as a month where the darkness has overtaken the light, where godless people brazenly mock God by taking His rainbow and using it to celebrate what He describes as an abomination. But we do well to remember that God in His sovereignty rules over the darkness and that God is not mocked, no matter how vigorously men may try.

 He is exactly right, and I would like to double down on that opinion. The problem with Pride Month is not the fact that it is about celebrating a lifestyle and behavior that the Bible condemns. It is the word pride that is the greater problem.

According to Romans 1, the reason that Western culture—not just the United States—is in its present depraved state is pride and not lust.

According to Romans 1:18, our present moral state is a manifestation of the wrath of God on humanity. It is God’s response to humanity’s rejection of the truth that God has so graciously communicated universally to all who will look. …

Read the whole article here: Judgment Month is Upon Us—Again – Proclaim & Defend (

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the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
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