It’s the economy, stupid!”
It was a phrase coined by James Carville to focus the 1992 Clinton campaign, and everyone else, on one singular issue he thought was a campaign winner—and it worked. Politicians, especially as campaigners like to keep their message focused. This coming election is no exception. The 2020 election was a referendum on Covid. The 2022 election was an abortion referendum.
The 2024 election will be a referendum on illegal immigration.
That message is a loser for one party and they know it. According to Tom Basile at the Washington Times, the democrats will try to shift the focus from the economy and immigration to the manufactured horrible specter of Christian Nationalism. I am not sure it will work, but the effort seems to be there and it impacts all believers. Christians have had to face the issue of Christian Nationalism and are having thoughtful, conscientious debates on the subject. But what is coming will be anything but a thoughtful, conscientious debate.
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