the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
Interview 40: A Future for Israel and Insights from the Unappreciated Prophets

Interview 40: A Future for Israel and Insights from the Unappreciated Prophets

with Ken Rathbun

With this podcast, we move to the May/June edition of FrontLine which had the theme, "A Future for Israel." The focus of the magazine is not on current events, but on biblical prophecy. The current situation in Israel is much on our mind these days. If you love God, you should love what he loves and these prophecies show that God loves Israel.

Our first interview is with Ken Rathbun, the associate editor for this edition of FrontLine. He also gave us an article in the magazine which we will talk about. I've gotten to know Ken a bit over the last couple of years and enjoy his ministry very much. I think you will be blessed by our discussion and his article.

I want to remind you that paying subscribers will have access to Ken's article right away, and we thank you for supporting the ministry of the FBFI through your subscriptions and donations. We really appreciate it.

Here is the link to the article: Insights from the Unappreciated Prophets on God’s Future for Israel ( [preview for non-paying subscribers]


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the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
The Proclaim & Defend podcast is the podcast of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship International. We established this podcast to give a voice to our publication, FrontLine Magazine. We hope you enjoy the additional content we provide here. You can subscribe to our magazine via Substack or go to to subscribe to the magazine.