the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
Interview 35: Steve Thomas on The Salty, Light-Bearing Church

Interview 35: Steve Thomas on The Salty, Light-Bearing Church

The Salty, Light-Bearing Church

We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called "Salt and Light in Your City and State."

Our host for this session is Gordon Dickson, who served as our Associate Editor for this edition of the magazine. The guest today is pastor Steve Thomas, from Flat Rock Michigan.

Steve wrote an article for us called, "The Salty, Light-Bearing Church." The article is about movements in the church today that distract from the main mission the Lord Jesus gave us when he left the church to his disciples.

In discussing this, pastor Thomas labors to define some "trendy" words that get bandied about these days that sound like something we know but are so elastic that they encompass a lot of ideas that can lead Christians and churches astray.

I hope you will pay close attention to what pastor Thomas has to say. We need to be clear about what we are about in serving Jesus, and pastor Thomas brings some needed clarity to what our mission really should be.

Paying subscribers to the podcast can read the full article here, others will see a preview:

The Salty, Light-Bearing Church (


Photo by Diana Vargas on Unsplash

the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
the Proclaim & Defend Podcast
The Proclaim & Defend podcast is the podcast of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship International. We established this podcast to give a voice to our publication, FrontLine Magazine. We hope you enjoy the additional content we provide here. You can subscribe to our magazine via Substack or go to to subscribe to the magazine.